Samuel Richardson

美 [ˈsæmjul ˈrɪtʃərdsən]英 [ˈsæmjʊəl ˈrɪtʃədsən]
  • 网络塞缪尔·理查森;理查森;塞缪尔·理查逊;塞缪尔.理查森
Samuel RichardsonSamuel Richardson
  1. From Samuel Richardson to Jane Austen - The Inchoation and Perfection of Free Indirect Style


  2. On Samuel Richardson 's Epistolary Novels of Sensibility and Psychology On The Uncertainty of Interpretation : A Case Study of Clarissa


  3. Samuel Richardson is a famous English novelist in the 18th century and he is also a master of epistolary novel in Europe .


  4. Conventionally , literary critics attributed the rise of the novel completely to male writers like Daniel Defoe , Samuel Richardson , and Henry Fielding .
